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We at Pose A Pet™ know what it's like to have a tight budget; we're a startup!


You know who else has a tight budget? Animal Rescues! That's why we've pledged to donate 50% of all of our app upgrade fees to a different Animal rescue, Shelter or Advocacy group every week! Our 50/50 SHELTER SHARE PROGRAM is just one of the ways we're giving back.


How can your favorite Animal-focused Non-Profit receive some of these funds? It's easy! Just send them a link to this page and ask them to fill out this short questionnaire, and we'll get back to them quicker than a Pug disappears from a Shelter.


There are only so many weeks in the year and a whole lot of amazing Animal Advocates out there, so make sure your favorite gets their chance! Don't wait to send them this page!

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